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I really like the theme.

Seems a lot can be built from this project.

Yeah! I had a few more ideas on top of what I built, but just didn’t have the time to implement them. Thank you for the feedback! 😊


Neat! The menu screen has a great mood to it haha.

The controls felt really really clean too. :O

Thank you! ☺️ I put a lot of work into the controls and menu screen, so it’s good to know they were appreciated.


I like it, reminds me of the Carrion demo game.

Core gameplay is sound, would be fun if expanded upon and there were enemies that could attack you/shine light/etc.


Yeah, I thought about having a “Searcher” that would use a flashlight to warn others or a “Hunter” that would attack you, but I didn’t have enough time to implement that, unfortunately. Thank you for the feedback! ☺️